Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia

Bicycling and the Bicycle Coalition, have experienced tremendous growth in Philadelphia and across the region in the last five years. Philadelphia now has twice as many bicycle commuters as any other big city in the country.  The Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia works to guide the city and region towards planning for the continued growth of bicycling.

Events and Programs

Bilingual Bike Safety Course
Tuesday, May 29, 3:30 PM

Want to bike in the city but feeling inexperienced? The Bicycle Coalition’s Ambassadors will lead you through everything you need to know to be safe and have fun when bicycling in the city.  This free hour-long class will cover getting the right fit of bike and helmet, clothing, how to pack, rules of the road, secure bike locking, and more!Class size is limited to 30; participants do not need to bring a bicycle. To attend, simply RSVP to Diana at (215) 242-9253 x309 or to


For more detailed information, visit