
De Pueblo A Pueblo was formed in partnership with Laurence Salzmann and Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, modeled after Salzmann’s previously-organized El Festival Cubano.  Salzmann, a photographer and documentarian, saw his recent series of photo essays as catalysts to connect the Mexican population of Philadelphia through meaningful, relationship-building programs and events.  The festival Advisory Committee, comprised of many supporters of the local Mexican community, developed the concept for De Pueblo a Pueblo and coordinates the participants.

De Pueblo a Pueblo Volunteer Advisory Committee:

Carmen Marcet, Board Member, Casa Monarca

Dalia Ogorman, Executive Director, Casa Monarca

Edgar Ramirez, Organizer,  Carnaval de Puebla

Ellen Owens , Executive Director, Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens

Karina Calva, Independent Cultural Consultant

Kelsey Donahue, University of the Arts Museum Studies graduate candidate

Laurence Salzmann, Independent Photographer and Documentarian

Marcela Garza, Executive Director, Mexican Cultural Center